What is Grey Divorce?

 Grey divorces are becoming more and more common when it comes to divorce in Australia. According to statistics, over 27% of divorce applications come from marriages that have lasted more than 20 decades. Even at our family law firm in Melbourne, we have seen a rise in “grey divorce” applications. But why are grey divorces on the rise, and what effects does that have on our society? Here’s some insight from Umbrella Family lawyers. 




The concept of grey divorce is not necessarily new. However, over the last years has seemed to be on the rise. The term ‘grey divorce’ encompasses the breakup of long-term marriages, usually by those over the age of 50.


It’s interesting as most individual’s that once relationships have made it past a certain point or landmark, it should be smooth sailing. And yet, the reality is that more and more long-term relationships are finding their end.


Why is Grey Divorce on the Rise?


There are a variety of factors that could be contributing to the increase of grey divorce in Australia.


Some of the most apparent reasons include that:


·      People are simply living longer and therefore have more time to choose the life they want to lead.

·      In most houses, both spouses are working and are therefore more financially independent than before.

·      The stigma around divorce is changing, and it has become a more realistic option for many.


Of course, each relationship is unique and faced with its challenges, which may lead to the breakdown of the relationship. Undoubtedly, however, financial stress, mental health issues, infidelity, and even the internet could be contributing factors.


The Unique Challenges of Grey Divorce


Getting a divorce later in life can be more challenging, precisely because you have had far more time to build investments, have joint assets and grow estates together. This, in turn, means that dissolving long term relationships can be more difficult.


More so, there is the additional stress of dissolving a long-term family home, finding a new residence at an older age and of course, the issue of retirement.


Especially for women, a grey divorce can be difficult and daunting as it ultimately challenges ‘traditional family roles’ with which they were likely raised.


Get The Right Advice If You’re Considering a Grey Divorce


Uncertainty can be terrifying, which is why we recommend contacting a trusted family law firm in Melbourne that can assist you every step of the way and offer you peace of mind. Umbrella Family lawyers specialize in a range of family law issues, including property settlement, litigation and other divorce issues.


Partner with Umbrella Family lawyers today. As a trusted family law firm in Melbourne, we’ll provide you with the very best practical, legal and emotional support. If you’re planning on divorce in Australia, we can take you from chaos to order. 


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