5 Tips for a Successful Separation Agreement

 One of the most important steps of the divorce process is the negotiation of your separation agreement. This determines your lives moving forward and includes your parenting plan, divorce property settlement, spousal maintenance, and more. Here are some tips for a successful separation agreement process, from a family law solicitor in Melbourne.



#1 – Leave Preconceived Ideas at the Door


It’s completely natural to try and anticipate how your spouse will negotiate, where conflicts will arise, and prepare yourself against compromise. However, it is very important to try your best to enter this process with an open mind. Decide what your ideal scenario will be, then work towards developing your priorities – the things that are most important to you – while leaving space for compromise on less important issues.


#2 – Be Mindful


Understandably, negotiating your settlement agreement – especially when you have to develop a parenting plan or discuss your divorce property settlement - is often a highly emotional process. Try to bring a mindful approach to the table, where you think about how you would like to be spoken to and negotiated with, and apply that to the other person. Animosity and accusations will quickly derail a negotiation, so try to have a plan in place for how you can best deal with feelings of frustration or anger.


#3 – Know the Other Party’s Key Issues


While it is important to know what your personal priorities are, try to prepare for your spouse’s priorities as well. This isn’t about anticipating conflict and building up negative emotions, but rather finding opportunities where you can negotiate effectively in order to come out with a satisfactory result. Write down these issues and why they are important to your partner, as well as which overlap with your priorities and which don’t. Remember to share these insights with your family law solicitor.


#4 – Know That It Isn’t About Winning


It’s important to remove the idea that it is possible to win in a settlement agreement negotiation. If you go in with an attitude of winning against the other person or having revenge on them, it is only going to shut the negotiation down. It will be challenging, but rather try to develop a positive attitude and open mind. Being prepared to compromise and work together is the only way to get a satisfactory result.


#5 – Have the Best Professional Representation


An experienced family law solicitor will help you prepare for your settlement agreement negotiation and help ensure that your rights are fully protected. This is a process that determines your future – your parenting plan, divorce property settlement and support as you move forward with your life. The right family law solicitor will guide you through this challenging and emotional process and ensure you come out successfully on the other side with a satisfactory and comprehensive agreement covering your parenting plan, divorce property settlement and more.


Contact Umbrella Family Law today and speak to the team who will help you start your new life.


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