What is a Marriage Annulment?

 A marriage annulment is very different from a divorce in Australia. Here’s some insight into what qualifies you for an annulment and how the process works from a leading divorce lawyer in South Melbourne from the Umbrella Family Law firm.



The Difference Between Annulment and Divorce in Australia


Getting a divorce in Australia means going through a legal process that dissolves a marriage agreement between two spouses. Anyone who is legally married can apply for divorce, with or without the consent of their partner, even if the marriage took place overseas.


A marriage annulment is a legal proceeding where a judge determines that no legal marriage actually took place – that the marriage does not exist in the eyes of the law. If granted, the marriage is void, as if it never took place.


What are the Criteria for a Marriage Annulment?


In order to be granted an annulment, you need to show the court that you were tricked or forced into a marriage against your will, that you were unable to understand what the marriage ceremony was and the implications of it, that one of the parties was under the legal age of 18, that the person you were marrying was already legally married, or that they are a close relative.


In order to apply for an annulment, you also have to be an Australian citizen, live in Australia as your permanent home or have lived in Australia for 12 months or more.


Your divorce lawyer in South Melbourne can look at your case in terms of these criteria, assist you in making a case by getting evidence to submit to the court, and represent you through the court proceedings.


Find a Divorce Lawyer in South Melbourne at Umbrella Family Law


At Umbrella Family Law, we’re experienced in all areas of family law, including family violence cases, divorce cases and annulments. If you are looking for advice or representation in your marriage annulment or divorce in Australia, then we can assist you. Our team is experienced, skilled and compassionate, providing you with a professional support network to help you start your new life on the right foot. Contact us at Umbrella Family Law today to speak to a divorce lawyer in South Melbourne.


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