
Showing posts from June, 2021

Let’s Talk Time Limits – Divorce in Australia

  When you’re planning on separating from your husband or wife, the last thing you want is for the legal processes to become long and drawn out over months on end. While the goal is often to finalise the application for divorce as quickly as possible, certain statutory time limits defined by the Family Law Act.  Here is some insight from the experts in family law in Carlton.       There’s a lot you need to consider when planning your application for divorce. One such factor is the pre-prescribed time limits you have when it comes to separating from your husband or wife, finalising financial agreements, and determining spousal maintenance.   According to the Family Law Act, spouses need to prove a 12-month separation in order to qualify for a divorce. Within those 12 months, you are required to submit a Divorce Order, which stipulates the terms for property settlement or spousal maintenance. For de facto relationships, the time limit extends to 2 years after the date of

FAQ About Divorce in Australia

There are quite a few laws that govern the process of divorce in Australia . Contained in the Family Law Act 1975, these laws govern marriage, same-sex marriage , divorce, de facto relationships, divorce property settlement and terms for the guardianship of children (including custody matters).  However, not everyone knows what exactly these laws entail.     In Australia, the juridical matters surrounding marriage, same-sex marriage, divorce, custody fall into one large category, colloquially called ‘Family Law’. Within family law, there are particular stipulations regarding the process of divorce in Australia, children’s matters and how assets are divided in a divorce property settlement.   However, if you’ve never needed to navigate divorce in Australia, it’s not always easy to know where to start. So, here are the answers to common questions we receive at Umbrella Family Law.   Are The Grounds for Divorce Important in Australia?   Since the Act was established

What is Grey Divorce?

  Grey divorces are becoming more and more common when it comes to divorce in Australia . According to statistics, over 27% of divorce applications come from marriages that have lasted more than 20 decades. Even at our family law firm in Melbourne , we have seen a rise in “grey divorce” applications. But why are grey divorces on the rise, and what effects does that have on our society? Here’s some insight from Umbrella Family lawyers .         The concept of grey divorce is not necessarily new. However, over the last years has seemed to be on the rise. The term ‘grey divorce’ encompasses the breakup of long-term marriages, usually by those over the age of 50.   It’s interesting as most individual’s that once relationships have made it past a certain point or landmark, it should be smooth sailing. And yet, the reality is that more and more long-term relationships are finding their end.   Why is Grey Divorce on the Rise?   There are a variety of factors that could be