
Showing posts from February, 2021

A Quick Guide to Child Custody in Australia

  In Australia, child custody is determined by the court. During this process, the court’s priority is the best interests of the child, and this framework is what helps determine who should be the primary caregiver or if the child should spend equal time with each parent, along with other important responsibilities. During this process, it is important to have the best family lawyers representing your case in order to have a fair determination. Here’s some insight into this issue from Umbrella Family Law , a leading family law firm in Melbourne .       What Does the Court Consider?   As a leading family law firm in Melbourne, we know that when looking at the best interests of the child or children concerned, the court looks at two main factors:   ·       Whether the child/children will benefit from having a relationship with both parents ·       Whether or not the child/children are protected from physical or psychological harm, family violence or abuse   In

What is a Marriage Annulment?

  A marriage annulment is very different from a divorce in Australia . Here’s some insight into what qualifies you for an annulment and how the process works from a leading divorce lawyer in South Melbourne from the Umbrella Family Law firm.     The Difference Between Annulment and Divorce in Australia   Getting a divorce in Australia means going through a legal process that dissolves a marriage agreement between two spouses. Anyone who is legally married can apply for divorce, with or without the consent of their partner, even if the marriage took place overseas.   A marriage annulment is a legal proceeding where a judge determines that no legal marriage actually took place – that the marriage does not exist in the eyes of the law. If granted, the marriage is void, as if it never took place.   What are the Criteria for a Marriage Annulment?   In order to be granted an annulment, you need to show the court that you were tricked or forced into a marriage again