
Showing posts from September, 2021

Why Family Mediation Matters

The   process of divorce in Australia   can be very overwhelming. Navigating the legal aspects, deciding on settlements and custody can be costly, time-consuming and very emotional. This is why many   family lawyers   recommend   family mediation in Melbourne .   Mediation is an incredibly effective strategy to resolve issues and minimise emotional fallout. Here’s why family mediation is so important:     #1 – It Saves You Time   No one wants a long, drawn-out divorce. However, as each relationship brings its own challenges, it can be hard to navigate legal agreements and find a solution that suits both parties.   Mediation, however, focuses entirely on finding an amicable solution that works for both spouses.   #2- It Saves You Money   It’s nothing new that the process of divorce in Australia can be costly, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right family lawyers on your side and a firm that specialises in family mediation in Melbourne, you can actually save on costly legal processes