
Showing posts from July, 2021

Want a Divorce? Here are 10 Things to Remember

  If you’re planning on getting a divorce in Australia , there’s a lot for you to have to consider long before your application for divorce . Whether it’s same-sex marriage , de-facto relationship or long term relationship, there are specific legal processes that need to be completed before a divorce can be granted. So, if you’re thinking of divorcing, here are 12 essential things you need to keep in mind.       #1 – The Separation Period   As per Australian family law, you are required to prove separation from your spouse for a minimum of 12 months before you can make your application for divorce. This applies to all forms of relationships, including same-sex marriage and de-facto relationships.   #2 – Proving Separation   There needs to be a clear decision that marriage is over. Usually, separation entails moving into separate living quarters and starting legal processes that split finances, parental responsibilities etc. You can, however, still prove a separa

Is Your Overseas Marriage Recognized in Australia?

  Destination weddings were very popular pre-pandemic, but what legal implications are there for an Australian getting married overseas ? We often get a common question regarding Australian citizen marriages overseas : whether the marriage will be recognized in Australia or if it will need to be re-registered. So, here is some insight from leading family lawyers in Melbourne.     According to the Marriage Act of 1961, Australian citizen marriages overseas will be recognized in Australia as long as they meet the minimum legal requirements. This means that you won’t need to re-register your marriage in Australia for an Australian getting married overseas.   So, what legal requirements do you need to have your marriage recognized? Under the Marriage Act of 1961, the union needs to:   ·       Be recognized as valid under the law of the country in which the marriage took place. ·       Be recognized as valid under Australian law.   You will need to be able to provide a