
Showing posts from March, 2021

Can Co-Parenting Really Work?

  Co-parenting already brings with it a multitude of challenges and considerations, which have been blown up with all the restrictions of the Covid 19 pandemic. Co-parenting goes beyond just a parental agreement , it requires conscious effort from both parents, a lot of patience and clear lines of communication. Especially in a pandemic, a proper parenting plan is important to avoid anxiety and frustration. So, how do you build a functioning, co-parenting relationship? Here’s some insight from the experts on family mediation in Melbourne .       The worldwide pandemic has thrown a mass of challenges at everyone. It has created an over-arching fear, anxiety, financial issues and mental health issues. However, as a parent who is trying to manage their parenting plan with an ex-partner, it can bring a whole different heap of other problems. So, how do you manage your parental agreement to make sure that it works?   Why You Want to Consider Co-Parenting?   At the end of th

What If We Can’t Agree on Child Support?

Child support is an important part of your overall parenting plan after a divorce, and in some cases, parents disagree on how much they should pay in child support or if they should pay at all. Here’s some advice on what to do in this situation, from a f amily law solicitor at a leading firm focussed on family law in Melbourne .     Get an Assessment   Start by getting an assessment from Services Australia . They will be able to assess you and your partner’s situation and can even be directed to collect the child support you need directly from the paying parent.   However, this payment may not be the amount you need, as factors such as private schooling, health insurance, extracurricular activity expenses and medical expenses are not included.   If this is the case, it’s important to get your family law solicitor who helped to develop your parenting plan involved.   Going to Court   Your family law solicitor is an invaluable resource if your best option is t